Pandemonium Games is located at 6033 Middlebelt Rd, Garden City, MI 48135 |
Please be sure to visit the Pandemonium D&D Players Facebook Page for announcements, and to partake in the community. |
Please save your spot at the Pandemonium Adventurers League Warhorn Page |
D&D Adventurers League is free to play, and EVERYONE is welcome, from first time players to seasoned veterans, both young and old, and anywhere in between! If you are interested in becoming a Pando Dungeon Master and earning store credit, or if you have any other questions/concerns please contact Dan at |
To participate in D&D Adventurers League games you will need the following: |
This PDF document contains all the basic rules of the game, including how to create a character. Additional options for characters are available in the fifth edition Player's Handbook, The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Volo's Guide to Monsters, and Xanathar's Guide to Everything. All of which are for sale at Pandemonium, and at a discount on days we play D&d (Just remind the staff during checkout.) Even more character options/spells are available in the free Elemental Evil Player's Companion |
You can use an official D&D Adventurers League character sheet, or any other D&D character sheet that suits you. Important Character Creation Information: |
For Adventure League the only material you can use to create your character are the Basic Rules, or the Player's Hand Book (PHB) + one other source. For example, PHB + Elemental Evil (EE) players supplement, or PHB + Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (SCAG).
Under such rules you could not, for example, make an Genasi (a race found in the EE) with Greenflame Blade (a spell found in the SCAG) since this character contains material from the Player's Handbook, Elemental Evil, and the Sword Coast Adventure's Guide = (PHB+2). Determining Ability Scores: You can generate your character's ability scores using one of the following methods: |
![]() A D&D Adventurers League Adventure Logsheet. |
You'll need this to record each session of play, keeping track of your experience, treasure, and other notes. |
This is an official Wizards of the Coast organized play number, and only used for tracking play in core hobby stores. It's obtainable via the link above, or ask your DMr for one the first time you play. If you have played in Magic The Gathering tournaments you most likely already have one. |
Pando DMs site is availble here
This site is dedicated to the memory of Robert "Joey" Ditsch